ÆON - Memorabilia box


by Tilde Bay Kristoffersen

Individually montaged box editions each containing a curated selection of small original prints and collected artefacts from the many journeys behind Tilde Bay Kristoffersen’s photographic oeuvres - and each offering distinct portals into the layered and multifaceted universe of the AEON project.

Montaged by the artist herself and entirely handmade and assembled in the traditional fashion out of 1960’s deadstock fiberboard and vintage brass parts.


• Format – A5 plus
• Deadstock 1960’s fiberboard
• Vintage brass rivets and riffle knop closure.


• 3-4 original, small format photographic prints.
• Geological and botanical artefacts, souvenir notes, textile prints and crochet pieces.


Unique and Limited edition of 30

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